mu SlLVim 13UGL11
Post Office Box 75 TatamyPA 18085-0075
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NANCY YEE-Seattle WA-President DOUG JENNINGS-Petersburg MI -Vice President JOSEPH MARKULICS - Tatamy PA-Secretary-Treasurer HARVEY CHEW- Seattle WA-Historian
The lASAC newsletter 'The Silver Bugle’ is published six times/year in February, April, June, August, October and December, News items, articles and photographs pertaining to art bars and rounds are welcome. However, unsolicited material cannot be acknowl¬ edged nor returned unless accompanied by a postpaid, self-addressed envelope. Opinions expressed in articles published in 'The Silver Bugle’ are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the lASAC.
'The Silver Bugle’ accepts advertisements for silver bar and round hobby-related items. The lASAC and advertisers are not responsible for typographical errors that may appear in prices or descriptions in advertisements.
ADVERTISING RATES for camera ready Display ads & Classified word ads are:
Full Pages - $25 (Non-profit club rate-$15, Non-Member $37.50) Half Page - $15 (Non-member $22.50)
Quarter Page - $10 (Non-member $15)
Classified Ad - 25 Cents/word
Members receive one FREE 25-word classified ad with new membership and ON TIME renewal, redeemable at any time during the year.
Send all advertisements, with payment, to the Editor at; P.O. Box 28415 Seattle, WA 981 18-8415
The Next Advertising Deadline is: September 10,2012
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GREETINGS! President’s
We’re having a mild summer here in Seattle - no scorching heat waves, just pleas¬ ant days in the high 70s-low 80s. Lots of swimming, baseball and things in between.
We took a quick trip to Glacier Park shortly after it opened for the season in mid-June. I’d highly recommend it to anyone who’s never been. The scenery is truly spectacular, and on this trip I saw a moose in the wild for the first time! Another weekend trip took us to Oregon where we visited Maryhill Museum - a gem in the middle of nowhere. There’s a replica of the Stonehenge nearby, both built by railroad man Sam Hill about 100 years ago. Our most recent adventure was an overnight trip to Courtney, BC to visit the recent widow of a friend. We traveled to Tsawwassen to catch the ferry & then drove up island several hours, passing an exotic dancer’s nightclub across the highway from a Pentecostal camp. Quite the contrast! We saw many deer and a huge gathering of eagles. Vancouver Island is wild and very beautiful, and our visit was a good one, sharing stories about Harvey over dinner and later a quiet visit to his favorite beach.
We’ve lost several members of our club family in recent months. Odell Morrow, a charter member of the club passed away last winter, and we’ve sent condolences to his wife Billie. Another newer member, Larry Hoeft, has also passed away.
It is now less than a month away from our annual meet¬ ing in Dalton, Georgia! Doug Jennings has put together a short list of things to see 8c do in tJiat fair city. 1 liave arranged for a dinner at a local cafe recommended by Jim Best for Saturday evening directly after our meeting. We’ll try southern cuisine at Oakwood Cafe. Various reviewers on yelp.com describe the restaurant thusly: “If you ever find yourself in Dalton, Georgia, stop here to eat. If this place is a spitting image of the kind of southern cooking one would expect, count me in. The black eyed peas, the sweet potato, the peach cobbler: all delicious.” Another guest writes, “The cafe has a hometown, friendly feel to it. The wait staff were laughing and enjoying their work and seemed to have a personal connection with lots of local cli¬ ents....! could see us eating here again, if we’re ever back in the area. Good food and service for a very reasonable price.” I.a.st, but not least, “The Oakwood Cate is a gem of a place? I his
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local family owned and operated restaurant has great southern ch arm and delicious southern cuisine. Fried chicken tenders, pot roast, meatloaf, you name it the Oakwood probably has it.” Kinda makes your mouth water, doesn’t it??
Our ‘Everything’s )ust Peachy’ rounds have arrived and I’ll be sorting orders out for the next week or more. Luckily I have plenty of time to get things ready, which isn’t always the case. They look great and hopefully everyone will be pleased with the end result. Orders should be shipped mid-August, unless you're picking yours up in Dalton. For the record, we minted 140 in plain silver and had another 70 enameled. All of them are serial numbered. If you ordered in time and requested your club number, your plain silver round will come that way. The enameled rounds are consecutively numbered from 0001 to 0070. They have an extra digit to distinguish them from the plain silver variety. Antique bronze rounds were also made, and if you attend the meeting or have contributed to The Silver Bugle over the past year, then you’ll receive one of these as a gilt. Extras are available for sale on our ‘Club Store’ page.
This just in from the BRNA show organizers! We will be meeting in Room B1 for both the seminar at 1pm and our meeting, which will be held at 3pm on Saturday, August 18. The room is located on the lower floor of the convention center. When entering the NW Georgia Trade & Convention Center, the directions will be to turn left and travel toward the staircase, and the room will be to the left. The La Quinta Inn is the host hotel with a discount rate if you mention the coin show. I’ve also been advised that local restaurants in Dalton will be giv¬ ing a discount if you show your hotel key to the hostess. We’ve reprinted the meeting information and list of hotels on another page, in case you’re still searching for a place to stay.
Enjoy the rest of your summer. We’ll have full convention news and photos in the next issue of The Silver Bugle.
V.P. Corner
By Doug lemiings
“Take the last train to Dalton and I'll meet you at the station” on August 17th through the 19th. I hope the 60’s group, Ihe Monkees, doesn’t mind me para-phrasing their lyrics, but look out Dalton, here we (lASAC) come! The BRNA better be ready for us.
Dalton is a city of roughly 30,000 inhabitants. Dalton and Cal¬ houn are closely related because of the carpet industry. 1 spoke with Jamie [ones who works at the Calhoun magazine published in Dalton. I have a copy of the magazine, and it lists a number of things to do, places to go, and areas of interest.
Because of its location in northern Georgia, it has very strong ties to the Civil War. In May, they had the 28th Annual and the 1 48th Anniversary of the Battle of Resaca. The Resaca Battlefield State His¬ toric Park is located northwest of 1-75 Exit 320. A local lady named Mary ). Green (1831-1924) is remembered and appreciated “for her service and dedication in locating and collecting the remains of the Resaca battlefield and interring them in a plot of land that would become the first Confederate Cemetery in Georgia.” Also, the city of Dalton is related to the “Great Locomotive Chase” between the Gener¬ al which was a Confederate train that was being used to try and warn the Confederate officers of the Union army’s movements while be¬ ing chased by the Texas (Federal) train. Also, there is the Tunnel Hill Historic Museum and a few other spots of interest to investigate w hile you’re in Dalton.
Ladies, if you w'ould like to participate in a “Traditional Tea,” there is one offered Mondays through Fridays at Chelsea’s on Ihorn- ton. You need to make reservations ahead of time. The tea is from 1 1:00 am. to 2:00 pm. and the number to phone is 706-277-2872.
If you are planning to attend the BRNA/IASAC meeting, check the Dalton convention and tourism website. I’m sure you can find something to interest you outside the arena of numismatics and exonumia.
Until next time, keep a look out for what you enjoy collecting.
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This listing is for current items on hand. There is a limit of one/member for any variety. All orders subject to prior sale. If you are interested in selling your bars/ rounds back to the club, please email iasacnancy(®comcast.net or write to the address at the bottom of this page. Thanks for supporting lASAC!
IASAC-16 2000 Sacramento or Bust (round)
1 Antique Bronze postal cover, no serial # $12
IASAC-20 2004 Dalton Convention
2 Enameled Silver serial #d S65/ea
2 Antique Bronze no serial # S12/ea
lASAC-23 2007 Indianapolis Race Car
Antique Bronze no serial # $7/ea
lASAC-24 2008 Baltimore Crab Cake
Antique Bronze no serial # $8/ea
IASAC-25 2009 Los Angeles Convention
Antique Bronze no serial # $8/ea
lASAC-26 2010 Las Vegas Convention (round)
Antique Bronze no serial # $6/ea
lASAC-27 201 1 Chicago Convention (Bar)
Antique Bronze no serial # $7/ea
lASAC-28 Everything’s Just Peachy (round), 2012 Convention
.999 fine silver, serial #d $50/ea
.999 fine silver, enameled, serial #d S65/ea
Antique Bronze no serial # $6/ea
IAS AC Bottle Cap Key Chain, free you pay postage Sl/ea
lASAC Bottle Cap Magnet, ltd. edition of 50, postpaid $5/ea
lASAC Ten-year pin, enameled, postpaid $10/ea
lASAC T-shirts, royal blue, sizes S-M-L, postpaid $l5/ea
Please add $5 postage & insurance for one or two ilems/$6 for three or more. Mail to: lASAC, P.O. Box 28415, Seattle WA 981 18-8415.
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Treasury Update |
Pre\ ious Balance |
$6,318.51 |
Income |
Mejnbership / Renewals |
$226.00 |
Club Stoi'e Sales |
$76.00 |
Annual Round Sales |
$6,033.50 |
$6,335-50 |
Expenses |
Postage |
$283.12 |
Stationary / P/iofocopies |
$140.42 |
Website Domain Fee (3 years) |
$34-75 |
Annual Round |
Fabr’ication (number/enamel, silver/bronze) |
$2,715-14 |
Publishing The Silver- Bugle |
$833-31 |
June 2012 (Vol. 28.3) |
$4,006.74 |
New Balance |
$8,647.27 |
Welcome - New' Members |
885 .Joseph Donovan (Website) |
California |
Mail Inquires / Membership Applications to tlie followng address... |
lASAC Secretarv-Treasurer |
PO Box 75 |
Tatamy, PA 18085-0075 |
223 copies of this Newsletter- have been mailed to members. |
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New from Chris Geiner’s CMG Mint are a nostalgic PEPSI ingot and an adult bar for Veteran's Day. Ordering inlormation is as follows. Both have a small mintage of 30 in plain silver. The Pepsi bar is $75 and the Veteran's Day ingot is $52. Add $3.50 shipping per order.
The Veteran’s Day also comes in shiny bronze (mintage 25) for $10 and shiny copper (mintage 25) for $10. The Pepsi bar is also available in antique bronze (mintage 25) lor $10 and shiny copper (mintage 25) for $10.
Geiner also has another adult bar, 'The Dreamer’ (mintage 65) in plain silver which is $50 plus shipping. Sets of enameled & plain silver in this design (mint¬ age 25) arc $100 plus shipping.
Contact Chris: email him at goldnugget86@aol.com or call him at 419-279-3283.
Club member Bill Doty has released two new ingots, pictured here. Prices for “God is Good’ and “Wake Up America" are as follows:
Silver: $50.00 • Enameled Silver: $60.00 • Copper: $10.00 $10.50 •
Enameled Copper: $14.00 to $14.50 • Antique Bronze: $10.00 to $10.50 Shipping: $3.00 for up to 10 bars total.
Bill notes he sells the bronze and copper as bars and also key rings and refrigera¬ tor magnets. All club members may specify their club number if available.
For more info, email Bill at williamdoty@centurylink.net or call 602-615-6313.
Enjoy the world of silver art.
Phone 260-820-1261 • Fax 260-565-3134 Email randl@adaniswells.com • P.O. Box 422 • Bluffton, IN4$714
\ WWW, stores, ebay. com/R-and-L-Silver-Aii-Bar-Collectibles
eBay 5-Star Dealer
★ ★★★★
We Buy & Sell Silver
Art Bars • Ingots • Bullion • Rounds
R and L Enterprise.
Midwest Precious Metals
c - ^
New from Chris Geiner’s CMG Mint are a nostalgic PEPSI ingot and an adult bar lor Veteran’s Day. Ordering information is as follows. Both have a small mintage of 30 in plain silver. The Pepsi bar is $75 and the Veteran’s Day ingot is $52. Add $3.50 shipping per order.
The Veteran’s Day also comes in shiny bronze (mintage 25) for $10 and shiny copper (mintage 25) for $10. The Pepsi bar is also available in antique bronze (mintage 25) for $10 and shiny copper (mintage 25) for $10.
Geiner also has another adult bar, ‘The Dreamer’ (mintage 65) in plain silver which is $50 plus shipping. Sets of enameled & plain silver in this design (mint¬ age 25) are $100 plus shipping.
Contact Chris: email him at goldnugget86(3)aol.com or call him at 419-279-3283.
Club member Bill Doty has released two new ingots, pictured here. Prices for “God is Good’ and “Wake Up America” are as follows:
Silver: $50.00 . Enameled Silver: $60.00 . Copper: $10.00 $10.50 .
Enameled Copper: $14.00 to $14.50 . Antique Bronze: $10.00 to $10.50 Shipping: $3.00 for up to 10 bars total.
Bill notes he sells the bronze and copper as bars and also key rings and refrigera¬ tor magnets. All club members may specily their club number if available.
For more into, email Bill at williamdoty(S)centurylink.net or call 602-615-6313.
eBay 5 -Star Dealer
Art Bars • Ingots • Bullion • Rounds
www.stores.ebay.com /R-and-L-SHver- Art-Bar-Collectibles
Enjoy the woi of silver art
R and L Enterprise
Midwest Precious Metals
' Phone 260-820-1261 • Fax 260-565-3134 Email randl@adamswells.com
P.O. Box 422 • Bluffton, IN 46714
We hope you can plan to attend our annual meeting in Dalton, Georgia.
Here is what we know at this point, so you can begin planning your sum¬ mer vacation. Show dates for the Blue Ridge Numismatic Association are Aug. 17-19, 2012. Ihe coin show will be held at the NW Georgia Trade & Convention Center at 221 1 Dug Gap Battle Rd, Dalton Georgia.
Dalton is located on 1-75, 80 miles from Atlanta and 25 miles from (Chattanooga. Ibie nearest airport is in Chattanooga, and there are shuttle services available. Contact Groome Chattanooga at 423-954-1400 or 1-800-896-9928. lheirwebsiteisGroomechattanooga.com.
Also providing shuttle service from Chattanooga is All Aboard Travel. Iheir phone is 423-499-9977 or go to www.allaboardchatt.com.
lASAC will have a free club table at the show. We are allowed to sell club items, however no other trading may take place at the table.
lliere will be an educational seminar at 1pm on Saturday, August 18 and our meeting will begin at 3pm.
The following is a list of hotels/motels which are located close to the con¬ vention center:
La Quinta Inn & Suites (host hotel), 715 College, phone 706-272-9099 or 1-800-642-4271
Hampton Inn, 1000 Market St., phone 706-226-4333 or 1-800-426-7866 Holiday Inn Express, 745 College, phone 706-217-6200 or 1-800-444-8888 Country Inn & Suites, 903 Westbridge, phone 706-278-9700 or 1-800-456- 4000
Comfort Inn & Suites, 905 Westbridge, phone 706-259-2583 or 1-800-733-7663
Jameson Inn, 790 College, phone 706-281-1880 or 1-800-526-3766 Holiday Inn & Suites, 879 College, phone 706-529-6000 or 1-800-815-2621
Quality Inn, 875 College, phone 706-278-0500 or 1 -800-753-6310
You might also want to check out the Dalton Convention & Visitors Bureau website, which is very helpful. See: www.daltoncvb.com.
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Be Your Own Banker
by Kandy Guberman
As predicted for a long time, silver did hit $50 per ounce about a year ago. Hope you cashed in if you’re in it for the money. Short lived, however, silver again has fallen hack below $30 per ounce.
Gold is no e.xception to the “yo-yo” market.
It’s no surprise that banks are paying much less than 1% interest. Although I make a disclaimer of no promises to a rate return on your sih'er investments, it is still my feeling that silver will again surpass $50 per ounce.
When will that be? Well, I think within the ne.xt 24 months. My reasoning is simply, supply and demand. Silver and gold are so important as trade units that their price fluctuations are reported in the news daily. Like any savings plan, you must stay diversified.
So why not he your own hanker and give yourself a raise? Buy, buy, buy what you can afford.
If you are a collector, you can pick up something nice for your col¬ lection w'hile prices are down. Remember the great deals you can get at coin shows? For most dealers, it’s just bullion. For me, it’s like silver’s on sale!
I’ve enjoyed my one term as Trustee and because of health reasons,
1 will be stepping down. 1 hope some of you have enjoyed my ar¬ ticles. I will continue to share some insight in future articles as my health permits.
For our great club and its members, may your purchases be many and your mistakes be few.
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Silver Art Enigma
So far, this year has been quite interesting for silver art collectors, in my opinion. 1 hope it has granted fortunate collectors an opportunity to acquire a few unique items for their collection.
I recently stumbled upon a unique art bar, which appealed to me due to a number of artistic, historic and personal reasons. I am sure each and even,- silver art collector has a similar experience when coming in contact wth some rarit\- bars. In this case, obtaining the ph\ sical item was effortless in comparison to the failed attempts in obtaining information regarding mintage or the manufacturer. Of course, being a newbie I admit the majority of my knowledge is u.suall\- acquired a few days after the opportunit}- for such a rare find.
These particular art bars depict a U.S. military theme acknowledging the Picatinny Arsenal in Dover, New Jersey. I am familiar with two versions minted by the Crabtree Mint in 1976-77. The earlier a U.S. Bicentennial (mintage 1027) and the later an Armament Research and Dei elopment Command theme (mintage 527). I however, am still absolutely clueless as to the origin and mintage history' behind the depicted version.
They were clearly minted to commemorate the centennial of Picatinny Arsenals' founding by the U.S. War Department on 6 September 1880.
Estimating the date of mintage in 1980, the art bar also utilizes the title Armamenf Research and Development Command, which headquarters were based on location from 1977-83, recognized for leadership in development of weapons and munitions.
The historic integrity of the bar is accurate, but no identifi-ing mint marks are engrai ed into the item.
The reverse appears to be pressed using a simplistic die design, making me think it is possible the item is a limited run for a private collector associated with the Arsenal.
I have hope that perhaps another collector may have a similar item and information they are willing to discuss, regarding the history behind the design. Additional information as to other bars or rounds depicting similar events in military history would be appreciated as well.
“Be curious always! For knowledge will not acquire you; you must acquire it. " - Sudie Back
May each of you be blessed with good health and fortune!
\ _ _ _ ^ _ —J
Just Humor Me!
There was a bit of confusion at the store this morning. When 1 was ready to pay for my groceries, the cashier said, "Strip down, facing me.”
Making a mental note to complain to my congressman about Homeland Security running amok, 1 did just as she had instructed.
When the hysterical shrieking and alarms finally subside, I found out that she was referring to my credit card.
I have been asked to shop elsewhere in the future.
They need to make their instruction to us ‘seniors’ a little clearer!
The Innocence of Children:
1 ) 1 was driving with my three young children one warm summer evening when a woman in the convertible ahead of us stood up and waved. She was stark naked! As 1 was reeling from the shock, 1 heard my 5-year-old shout from the back seat, “Mom, that lady isn’t wearing a seat belt!”
2) On the first day of school, a first-grader handed his teacher a note from his mother. The note read, “The opinions e.xpressed by this child are not neces¬ sarily those of his parents.’
3) A woman was trying hard to get the ketchup out of the jar. During her struggle the phone rang so she asked her 4-year-old daughter to answer the phone. “Mommy can't come to the phone to talk to you right now. She’s hitting the bottle.”
URGENT message to all my friends who wash their hair in the shower. ...YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS! It is so good to finally get a health warning that is useful!!! I don’t know WHY 1 didn’t figure this out sooner! 1 use shampoo in the shower. When 1 wash my hair, the shampoo runs down my whole body and, printed very clearly on the shampoo label is this warning, “FOR EXTRA BODY AND VOLUME.” No wonder I have been gaining weight! Weil! 1 have gotten ride of that shampoo and I am going to start showering with Dawn dish soap instead. Its label I reads, “DISSOLVES FAT THAT IS OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO REMOVE.” Problem solved! If 1 don’t answer the phone. I’ll be in the shower.!
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Notes From Nancy’s Mailbag...
We receive friendly greetings and questions from members and others. Here is a sampling of that correspondence.
Chris Geiner emailed, “I had an experience today at the local coin show that you may want to mention in the next Bugle. A couple months back I had informed a coin dealer at the local show that 1 was minting my own bars. He was very interested in my Hal¬ loween design and said to bring some to the next coin show when I get them. Well. I took them and when 1 quoted the price to him he seemed shocked, and the guy next to him said ‘Well, all they are basically worth is silver.’ I explained all the costs involved and he understood it more and bought a set, but seemed unhappy about the price. This is a perfect example of silver art bars being treated as silver when they have a real value. At the end of the day, 1 get the last laugh because I will buy from them a little over spot and have bars that are worth way more than the silver content. Engelhard bars, etc. are for just bullion buyers. If dealers took into consid¬ eration that bars have a value then that would help the silver bar hobby tremendously.”
On receiving a Brain Teaser prize from the April puzzle, John Varner emailed to say, “What a cool day and surprise. When 1 got home this evening I found an envelope addressed to me from lA- SAC. Inside were two awesome bronze coins. The US Postal coin and the lASAC 25th Anniversary coin. Awesome! Thank you to lASAC and Randy Guberman on donating the prize! Made my day!”
Michael Turrini sent news of the California State Numismatic Association 13th annual Northern California ‘Coin Collector’s Retreat’ on Saturday, Sept. 29th at the Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum in Vallejo. A full day’s worth of presentations and top¬ ics will be offered. For more information, write to P.O. Box 4281, Vallejo CA 94590-0428 or email EMPERORI@juno.com.
Marion Kendrick sent news of the Honolulu Coin Club’s Statehood Day Coin Show on Saturday, August 25 at the Fleet Reserve Assn.
Bldg., 891 Valkenburgh St. in Honolulu.
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Dave Cutitta emailed, “I’ve been a member of lASAC only a couple years, but have dealt in coins and bullion for almost 40 years and I’ve collecgted art bars since the early 70s. 1 set up at 25 or so coin shows in the Western New York area and I’ve never run across another lASAC member at those shows though I’ve sold thousands of art bars over those years. 1 thought a great idea would be to have any ‘overrun’ of copies of the Bugle sent to me (and other dealers willing to put in the time and elibrt) and I would distribute them at shows TO THOSE WHO SEEM INTERESTED in collecting silver art. 1 think it might be a great opportunity to increase membership without expending significant amounts of money. If you agree get in touch.”
We sent Dave a batch of Bugles, new and old, that were on hand.
If you would like to have a small number of Bugles to take to coin shows, please let us know.
Jim Best attended the summer FUN show and passed out many Bugles to prospective members while he was manning the lASAC table. Photo was taken by fellow lASAC member John Wilson.
WANTED: Old poured ENGELHARD SILVER bars! Paying $1000 for 2 oz. bar; $400 for 4 oz, bar and $800 for 7 oz. bar, Chris Mcndola #883. Email: chrisjria>christone.com or phonc618-593-4!yi.
LIQUIDATING my Father’s silver art bars from the 70s - real nice started collection for the beginner. All have been referenced in the Silver Collecting Guides. Clarke Bailey #660. Email cbsbailcy (a’roadrunner.coni or call 419-428-4775. Would like one happy owner!
FOR SALE; Silversword Birthday Aloha bars. Very limited edition and .some were melt¬ ed. $45 each plus a few silver & bronze sets for $55. Please add $5 postage & insurance. Make checks payable to Nancy Yec #006, P.O. Box 28415, Seattle WA 981 18-8415,
WRITE or EMAIL for my bars/round catalog - $2.00. Huge website at www.koinpro.com. Ken Potter, P.O. Box 760232, Lathrup V'illagc MI 48076. Phone 313-255-8415.
SELLING MV STOCK of hundred of bars and rounds. Call/Write/Email with your wnts. Dave Cutitta, 9190 Shepard Rd., Batavia NY 14020-9742. dcuttitaie’rochester.rr.com or 585-.343-1308.
BUYING HAWAIIANA circa 1959 and older. Aloha, Craig Walanabe #736. Email at hawnwillowts'aol.com or phone 808-391-2646.
Your one FREE 25-word classified ad is always available in a next issue of The Silver Bugle, redeemable at anytime during the year.
The next deadline for adverlisenietns is September 10, 2012.
Here is my FREE 25-word classified ad Please include a contact number and email address.
Niinip |
lASAC# |
Phone |
Send all advertisements to the Editor PO Bo.\ 28415 Seattle. WA 98118-8415
International Association of Silver Art Collectors
The Intcmalional Association ofSilver Art ('.ollectors (lASACi), established in 1985, is dedicated to the silver round and art bar hobbyist, collector, dealer and producer. All persoas interested in this unique hobby are invited to join. Tbe dub regularly publishes its newsletter, 'The Silver Bugle,” pro¬ dding some of the most interesting reading for you, the member. Not only do you receive advanced notice of new rounds and bars, you may also take advantage of specials offered by the many lASAC member-dealers. We also produce limited edition silver bars and rounds for our members, and feature special contests for prizes. Isn’t it time for you to take advantage of tbe benefits available as a member of IAS AC?
Yes, 1 would like to join the largest Silver Art Club in the world. Plea.se enroll me as a member of lASAC.
Please Print
EMAIL: _ May we publish your email? Yes No
junior members, age 17 and younger are also welcomed, witli permission of their parent or guardian, junior members do not have voting rights, and dues are half that of regular members.
Parent/Guardian Signature:.
Mail to: lASAC Secrctary-Treasuiier, P.O. Box 75, T'atamy I’A 18085-0075
□ By accepting membership in lASAC I agree to abide by the Bylaws of the club and to act with integrity in all business transactions.
Dues are $70 for the first year; renewals are $ 1 5/year. International rates are $.10 for the first year; renewals arc $20/year. junior memberships/renewals, domestic or foreign, are half the posted rates.